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Check-Up for Patterns

*Make this block pattern and have your child repeat the pattern.

0 My child repeat the block pattern.

*Make a pattern with connecting cubes that is two red, one blue, two red, two blue, two red, and three blue. Have your child figure out how the pattern would be extended.

0 My child can figure out the extended pattern.

*Run off the empty Creative Grid Pattern, come up with a pattern and see if your child can color in the next row for your pattern.

0 My child can finish the grid pattern.

*Have your child draw out this pattern, there are 2 dogs at the dog park and 3 more dogs arrive. How many dogs are at the dog park? Three more dogs arrive? How many dogs are at the dog park? Three more dogs arrive? How many dogs are at the dog park?

0 My child can answer the story pattern addition problem.



*Have your child figure out this problem. There are 12 frogs in the pond and 3 jump out. How many frogs are in the pond? Three more jump out. How many frogs are left? How many groups of 3 frogs will jump out till there are not frogs left in the pond?


0 My child can answer the story pattern subtraction problems.

*Have your child figure out this problem. My cat has for legs. How many legs would 2 cats have? 4 cats, 7 cats, 10 cats...

0 My child can answer the story pattern multiplication problems.

*Have your child figure out this problem. There are 27 pencils and 9 children. How many pencils will each child receive? There are 35 pencils and 5 children. How many pencils will each child receive?

0 My child can answer the story pattern division problems.

*Run off Picture Story Patterns Can You Name That Rule? Give your child a pattern question and have them, “Name That Rule.” Then let your child ask you a pattern question and you have to, “Name That Rule.”

0 My child has mastered, “Name That Rule.” 


Patterns are fantastic early learning fun!

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