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Making + and - Math Facts

Can you make 2 addition facts and 2 subtraction facts using the three numbers given?


_____ +_____=_____

_____ - _____=_____

  1.  1 2 3
  2.  1 3 4
  3.  4 1 5
  4.  6 5 1
  5.  7 1 6
  6.  8 7 1
  7.  8 1 9
  8.  1 9 10
  9.  3 2 5
  10.  2 4 6


_____ - _____=_____

  1. 2 7 5 
  2. 8 6 2 
  3. 2 7 9 
  4. 8 2 10 
  5. 3 4 7 
  6. 8 5 3 
  7. 6 3 9 
  8. 7 3 10 
  9. 9 4 5 
  10. 6 4 10 

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The Relationship of + and - to 10

Making + and - Math Facts
Making Math Facts is spectacular early learning fun!

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